Asset mapping for facility risk reduction

Asset mapping for facility risk reduction

To deal with facility crises, the first step is to identify and locate your assets. To correct issues and prevent damage, a detailed plan of shut-off valves, emergency exits, and breaker boxes is required.

Asset mapping is thus the first step in effective risk reduction and catastrophe preparation.

With the facility management software from CloudApper, you can add asset location information to your digital floor designs. CloudApper facility management software generates a live map that:

It displays all of your assets in a one location, is available to the whole team, and is simple to modify.

Let's examine five ways asset mapping software may improve the safety of your business.

Reduces the reaction time.

Your server room is flooded with water after a pipe ruptured and burst. There is a better time to walk to the plan room, rummage through file folders, and then struggle to identify the closest shut-off since your shut-off valve chart needs updating. By the time you turn off the water, your servers have already died. If you had responded more quickly, you might have prevented the interception of a substantial amount of work and saved millions of dollars worth of equipment and data.

Using software to map all of your assets to your floor layouts makes it simple to locate emergency supplies. You may also create distinct maps for evacuation routes, emergency exits, power-switching valves, and control panels.

Due to the digital nature of the CloudApper Facilities layout mapping system:

It is simple to update your maps as your system evolves. All of your asset maps are stored in a single location. The maps are viewable on mobile devices, allowing team members to carry them wherever they go.

Everyone on your staff may see the maps, so even new technicians are immediately aware of their surroundings.

It illustrates how assets are related.

Due to the interconnected nature of many construction systems, seldom will a single action effect just one aspect of your structure. You want to avoid discovering the hard way that flicking the switch on control panel six switches off both the med gas panel in a decommissioned operating room and the panel in a live operating room during operation.

If individuals are unaware of the consequences of their actions, it might exacerbate difficulties.

The CloudAppers Layout mapping system maintains a record of how all of your building's systems are interconnected. For instance, your layout map may indicate where all of your electrical panels are, how they are linked, and how they function. It is a straightforward approach to indicate what before and follows each item. Your staff will understand exactly what will occur when they touch a button or pull a lever, preventing them from engaging in inappropriate behavior.

Provides everyone with access to essential data

Each team doing maintenance has a "Ed." Ed has worked in this building since its inception. He's seen various remodels and additions. He always knows where everything is.

Therefore, when an issue arises, everyone comes to Ed. You may have avoided difficulties in the past, but Ed will shortly retire or go on vacation (or has poor cellphone reception). What then is the next step?

It is risky to depend on the memory of a single individual, particularly in an emergency situation when every second counts. Ed's ideas are replaced by software that maps the building's layout and records information in a manner that the whole crew can access. Your asset mapping application, not Ed's memory, is now the principal location for facility and item location information.

Aids inspections and compliance monitoring.

A vital component of risk reduction is ensuring that your facilities comply with all applicable regulations and are routinely inspected. Additionally, a method for mapping the plan of a structure might be advantageous:

Identifies the location of each asset that requires inspection. It enables the creation of inspection pathways to guarantee that every asset gets inspected.

Provides inspectors from outside the firm with an easy-to-follow map.

Depending on the facilities management software you use, a layout mapping system may be combined with your inspection software and maintenance management tool to provide you with a comprehensive perspective of the inspection/compliance lifecycle.

Suppose you utilize CloudApper Facilities to map, manage, and inspect your organization's assets. The manner in which these three components of the software platform interact enables you to:

Create a map of your assets and the best methods for monitoring them.

Create a list of items to inspect for each kind of asset.

Provide each team member with an inspection route.

Keep track of who made each purchase and when.

Create work orders and distribute them to the individuals who will repair any failing assets.

Demonstrate that your buildings easily passed all safety and compliance assessments.

And maybe most significant of all? When regulatory organizations request them, you may quickly provide them with the outcomes of all inspections and the corrective measures you implemented. Even if you have the world's greatest compliance program, regulatory officials can only assist you if they have the necessary information.

Aids personnel working in emergency circumstances

Have clear, current maps of your facilities to direct law enforcement, emergency personnel, and maintenance personnel. This may reduce reaction times and enable external partners formulate action plans.

For individuals unfamiliar with your structures, the asset layout mapping tool may be utilized to generate exit and egress maps.

With the use of CloudApper's capabilities, you may draw out a stronger risk mitigation strategy.

Clearly, asset maps are necessary for preventing property damage, lost productivity, and safety risks in your organization. They may also assist with inspections and maintenance management.

Using the layout map tool, you can see how simple it is to map your assets in CloudApper Facilities. You may also schedule a demonstration and speak with one of our professionals!

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