Biometric voter ID programs are moving forward in Liberia.

 Biometric voter ID programs are moving forward in Liberia.

The UN Development Programme (UNDP), the government of Liberia, and the World Bank have come together to start a groundbreaking project that will give every Liberian citizen a biometric ID card. This ambitious program is starting at a very important time, since it is thought that more than half of Liberia's people do not have access to traditional forms of ID.

The goal of this project is to give everyone a recognized identity card that can be verified by comparing multiple data points from sources like family members, community members, or superiors. This can be done without long trips or complicated procedures that require official documents like passports or birth certificates. This will also make it easier for people to use government services and benefits like schools and hospitals.

There is a lot of voter fraud in Liberia.

The problem of voter fraud in Liberia is a serious one that doesn't look like it will go away soon. Unfortunately, there aren't many ways to stop this kind of fraud. Since 2008, the country has been using biometric voter registration, which has had some good results. However, the country hasn't been able to increase its use to meet demand or stop big problems from happening at polling stations on election day.

Voting is done by hand in Liberia right now. People are given a paper ballot, which they then put in a digital slot at the polling station. This system is very risky because it could be manipulated and cheated on by both political allies and election workers.

Liberia can fight voter fraud with the help of biometrics.

Since the beginning of 2018, the Liberian government has been working hard to improve the security around its elections. This means putting in place cutting-edge biometric voter registration systems, changing the look of ID cards, and making sure that polling places are as safe as possible for voters.

On March 20, a plan was made public for the first step of the project in the country, which is to make biometric voter ID cards. During this year's elections, these cards will be used at polling places. When voting machines are available, they will eventually replace traditional paper ballots. When polling places open next month, this new way of doing things could help stop fraud by making sure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote, or at least make it less likely that people will be caught with fake documents like passports or birth certificates.

M2SYS put in place a biometric voter registration system in Yemen.

In 2014, the Supreme Commission of Elections and Referendum (SCER) of Yemen worked with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems to choose M2SYS Technology's TrueVoter biometric voter registration system (IFES). Using this BVR technology, 14 million people were registered to vote because it could store and match fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein, iris, and face templates. TrueVoter helped cut down on election disputes, made the voting process more reliable, and helped people have more faith in Yemen's democratic institutions.


The government of Liberia is sure that using digital identification technologies will cut down on election fraud by a lot. They also think that people will be more likely to use the system if they know that everyone's identity is real and safe.

Biometric Voter Registration Technology Partner You Can Trust – M2SYS

M2SYS offers custom end-to-end biometric turnkey solutions for all kinds of biometric voter registration projects. You can pick any biometric hardware or matching engine, and we'll give you a "turnkey" solution that includes everything you need. With over 20 years of experience providing biometric identity management solutions to customers all over the world, our award-winning technology provides secure, easy-to-use identification solutions for safe, smooth interactions and transactions.


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