Using biometric technology, issue digital life certificates to retirees.


Using biometric technology, issue digital life certificates to retirees

Biometric technology is increasingly being employed in the public sector across the globe. Pensioners who are members of an employee pension plan may now send in their biometric information to renew their life certificates in several locations.

The individuals in charge of distributing pensions must check in on a regular basis to ensure that the retirees are still alive and receiving the money they are entitled. This is done often, and they normally mail a "Life Certificate" form or phone the retiring members to have them sign it.

Pensioners in India who have been a member of the Employees Pension Scheme since 1995 may now apply for a Jeevan Pramaan Patra life certificate online. This employs face recognition technology and incorporates age-defining technologies into the lives of the elderly.

The Zimbabwean government has begun to scrutinize retirees' Biometric Life Certificates in order to strengthen the pension system and combat corruption. The exercise's purpose for both the government and the pensioners is to cease paying money to "ghost" pensioners, make the pension system more secure in order to prevent corruption, and enhance service.

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The transition to biometric technologies has not been without flaws. For example, many elderly persons have had difficulty accessing their biometrics at first because to their age or health. As part of the process of obtaining a life certificate, pensioners must visit facilities to register and have their biometrics checked on a regular basis.

Biometric authentication methods for granting life certificates are a technological innovation that will make it simpler and less expensive for retirees to get the documentation they want without having to go from one government office to another. All pensioners will benefit from this.

Inefficient pension fund administration and payout results from fraudulent actions, duplicate data, and manual operations. Fraudsters may also steal qualified seniors' pensions, resulting in an overpayment of social welfare payments. M2SYS, a well-known leader in e-government projects in public service and social welfare programs, seeks to make it easier for governments to manage their workers' pension funds.

You may also be interested in reading: Identity theft in the financial industry puts South Africans at risk.

The M2SYS eGov Pension Management Solution is an enterprise solution that is highly scalable for government and private pension plans, sponsors, union trusts, third-party administrators, and financial institutions. It offers robust processes and digitization to fulfill the demands of public sector pension systems, participants, and employers. It may also be readily linked to third-party systems to expedite administrative chores and biometric solutions to confirm identification. This makes it ideal for quicker and simpler deployments.

Download the booklet now or contact us immediately for a live demo to learn more about M2SYS eGov Pension administration system.


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